The Role of Bridesmaid in Weddings…

Weddings are all about- the bustle, the flutter, the scurry - but are never complete without a bridesmaid. A happy bridesmaid makes a happy bride. On the wedding day, the bride cannot roam around for things she wants. On this conjuncture, dominates the role of bridesmaid. Image Courtesy: Google Indian weddings have been showing this ‘Bridesmaid’ trends in their wedding ceremonies recently. When there have been lots of changes happening in the customary wedding ceremonies in Kerala, the presence of ‘Bridesmaids’ have made it even more trendy and festive. Physical and emotional support is what bridesmaids are all about. When there is worry or merry, bride can find their bridesmaid too important a person to lean on and share the moments. In Kerala, the wedding practices have changed dramatically. Many wedding practices what once were practices in the western wedding culture have started reflecting in the Indian wedding ceremonies too. Christian matrimonies initiated the ‘...