Significance of Engagement Ceremony in Indian Weddings

Indian Marriages involve maximum rituals, traditions and vibrancy when compared to any other marriages around the globe. Marriages are considered as the binding of two hearts and they solemnly pledge to share every sorrow and joy with one another. The couples exchange rings with each other during the Engagement Ceremony. Therefore it is also known as the Ring Ceremony. Engagement ceremonies are almost similar across most of the religions and there is only difference in the details of the rituals. Engagement ceremony marks the formal announcement of the official date of the wedding in most regions with the ring exchange ceremony. In some cultures engagement ceremony is held long before the wedding, as long as one year whereas in some others it is held a day or two prior the actual wedding. Exchanging of rings is not a mandatory ceremony for all cultures across the country, but it is a ritual that formally announces the grand wedding. Unlike wedding ceremonies across different culture...